
Our Favorite Fruitcake

Back in 2019, Eric suggested I make a fruitcake for our annual Cocktails & Dessert party. I’ll be honest, I was hesitant. As all the fruitcake-related jokes ran through my head, I decided that like with anything, we could make it our own. We found a recipe and gave it a shot. And guess what? […]

Our Favorite Fruitcake

spooky woods with the full moon at night

Spooky Atmosphere

Spooky Season (which is all year for me, really) is the perfect time to switch up what’s in your diffuser and create some spooky atmosphere that smells deliciously decadent. Here are a few suggestions to try.

Spooky Atmosphere

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Every winter when it gets chilly outside (and I admit, sometimes in Texas when it’s winter but nowhere near chilly), Eric and I have one of our favorite things – Mexican hot chocolate.ย  And every winter, I have friends asking for the recipe, so I thought I’d finally share it here on the blog.ย ย 

This tradition for us actually started years ago when Eric’s mom and sister went to Mexico on vacation and brought me back some hot chocolate mix.ย  They knew I loved my hot chocolate (and at the time I was a staunch non-coffee drinker).ย  The first mug of that hot chocolate I had was heavenly.ย  It wasn’t just regular hot chocolate…it was better.ย  It had a bit of cinnamon in it and also a hint of heat too.ย  Sooooo good.

Mexican Hot Chocolate

Memorial Day

Last year for Memorial Day, we went out to the cemetery and saw my dad’s headstone for the first time since it was placed.  I was amazed at the amount of people there for the ceremony.  I’m glad to have experienced it, but this year we decided that a quiet remembrance of the day was

Memorial Day

Honoring Her

Easter never used to be more than a holiday for me.  As I mentioned in my last post, over the past few years it has been made more special by spending our honeymoon in Rome for Easter.  Eric’s love of family and traditions has also changed my perception of it, and we celebrate with a

Honoring Her