
a man crouches down looking through a telescope at the moon

Orion’s Belt

December feels like it was a little bit of a blur. And I’ve gotten really bad about not taking a lot of photos because I’ve been taking video for my vlogs instead. So, the lack of photos I think contributes a little bit to only having a vague recollection of the month. But, here’s a […]

Orion’s Belt

The ten of wands tarot card and two crystals (aquamarine and septarian) on a black background with the word September in white script above them

In the Eye of the Tempest

September’s tarot card ~ You may be feeling burnt out, exhausted, or weighed down and trying to do too much at once. The Ten of Wands is a reminder to stop, reassess, and potentially reprioritize to ensure you’re spending your time where it’s most effective in alignment with your goals. The crystals I pulled for

In the Eye of the Tempest

Time is a Phoenix

My card for August from the Wheel of the Year spread I did at the beginning of the year was the Ace of Swords. This card symbolizes courage, new ideas, mental breakthroughs, and clarity. Cut away the excess and focus on your goals. I chose Iolite for motivation and bringing order to chaos, and Stromatolite

Time is a Phoenix

Do Androids Dream?

My card for July is the Six of Pentacles reversed. You may be experiencing imbalance in your relationships, commitments, and money matters. Be mindful of how much you are giving, but make sure you are giving to yourself. A little self-care goes a long way. Kambaba stone to restore balance to the body and spirit

Do Androids Dream?

Swamp Witch

June’s tarot card was The Chariot reversed: a warning you are letting challenges and obstacles get in your way, preventing you from achieving what you set out to do. Refocus your energies on what IS in your control and examine what you can do to align your energy with your goals and follow through. Stromatolite

Swamp Witch

A Pirate’s Life For Me

May’s monthly tarot card was the Four of Pentacles reversed: The reversed Four of Pentacles can appear when you are re-evaluating whatโ€™s important to you, especially when it comes to money and wealth. You may be loosening your grip on the need to surround yourself with โ€˜thingsโ€™, in favor of seeking out more love and

A Pirate’s Life For Me