Library Love

In April, it occurred to me that I was getting nowhere fast on my TBR jar or on my Goodreads Challenge to read 25 books in 2016.  Four months into the year and I’d read…three.  And while I love buying books, I have way more than I really need and hate to just continue adding […]

Library Love

bottles of Young Living essential oils - lime, Taste of Italy, Christmas Spirit, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon Bark

Fall is in the Air

Here is what came in my September Essential Rewards monthly order.ย  I had to replenish our Lime because we literally use this oil like it’s going out of style.ย  I love it in the diffuser, or putting the Lime Vitality in my water.ย  So good!ย  I got Taste of Italy for Eric to try when

Fall is in the Air

Making Things Happen

On January 1st I started reading Lara Casey’s book Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear, Take the Leap, Live on Purpose.  I had been introduced to Lara’s blog last year and had wanted to read this book for awhile.  I’ll spend more time reviewing the book itself in another post soon, but today I want

Making Things Happen