A Few Updates

I have been working on the living room and kitchen a little bit more. It’s been rather inspiring to put my photos up and get some feedback, as well as to see other people’s homes on their blogs. First, the kitchen…

kitchen counter with toaster oven, blender, and various bowls with apples, onions, and garlic

I replaced my three Pfaltzgraf mixing bowls above the refrigerator with this pedestal and platter from Pampered Chef. I’m working on changing out my green garden-type pieces with my red and yellow color-scheme and some white accents. You can see I also swapped out the candle that was up there for a red one.

kitchen cabinets over the refrigerator with a wooden salad bowl, serving tray, and silver serving platter

Here I’ve also replaced my Pfaltzgraf items with white. I’m not overly fond of all this stuff sitting on the counter, but not sure where else to put some of our fresh produce. This was the day before shopping day, so usually these bowls are overflowing with apples, tomatoes, etc.

cabinets above the stove with a copper tea kettle, basket, red dutch oven, plant in a basket

Above the cabinets on this side, I decided to put my red Le Creuset pot, just for a little pop of color.

yellow and white striped dish cloths and three roma tomatoes

And finally, this is the only purchase we have made so far for the “redo”. Eric brought home these pretty dish towels from Williams Sonoma to replace some green ones I had.

So, I think I’m beginning to see my kitchen moving in the direction I want, even though it is not getting there quickly. I’m moving slowly to avoid going out and making a bunch of impulse buys.

living room with blue couches and coffee table, black cat on the couch

And then in the living room, the first thing I did after seeing my previous photos was to get rid of the pillows underneath the coffee table. The cats did love to sleep on them, but boy they were an eyesore. I never realized how much of one, until I saw them in a photograph. So, they are gone. I think the room got an instant face lift by doing that!!

fireplace with mantel decorated for Halloween

The second thing I did was to bring in some accessories we had hiding in other rooms of the house. This water pipe we bought at the King Tut exhibit in Chicago. I love the cobalt blue glass.


Some wooden hands made their way onto the entertainment center. Eric and I would like to replace this entertainment center with a low table or cabinet that a larger screen tv would sit on top of. We’re thinking we may repurpose this piece of furniture, but it would need refinishing.

wooden hands palms up

A brass pitcher that was my grandmother’s takes a place on top of the bookshelf. I love this piece, and I think it works with the feel of the room that I am trying to create. I’m also experimenting with color-organizing my books to make the bookshelf a little more orderly when you look at it.

tall brass pitcher and piece of pottery on top of a bookshelf

And of course, I can’t forget one of my favorite accessories…

blue couch with black cat sitting on it

And this one too…

black and white cat on blue couch

I’m pleased with all the little changes. I spent this weekend digging out some curtains that I had at my apartment, and I’m going to see if I can add some curtains to the living room. I think that would go a long way toward helping the room as well as, it will make movie-watching during daylight hours a little easier. Stay tuned!

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