At the Movies

scene from the movie Hugo where the main characters are sitting in a movie theater watching a film

I’ve been working on catching up on my shows on the DVR.  We’re in need of switching out our DVR that’s been acting up, and unfortunately, when we switch out all my recorded shows will be lost.  Sad Panda.  So, I’ve been in a manic show-watching marathon and have finished up Gossip Girl, Grimm, Vampire Diaries, about 80 million hours of Dual Survival and am currently in the process of watching Smash (which I’m loving although I’m only a couple of episodes in).  The problem here is that around about January, when life got complicated, there was very little show watching going on.  So, I had basically an entire season worth of shows plus the Oscars.  Yes, I know they happened in February.  I finally made it through the red carpet shows, but have yet to watch the actual awards (don’t tell me who wins).

So, a couple of nights ago, I started them.  My very very favorite night of the whole year.  And not only am I having to watch them months delayed, but I’m having to watch them in short bursts because I just don’t have three (or four) hours to watch uninterrupted.  But, within the first few moments of the show, I was reminded of why I love them.  Because I love the Movies, with a capital M.  From when I was very young, movies were one of my great loves.  And it’s not just that I love the movies themselves.  I love the movie experience.  I love the trailers, I love the darkened theater, I love the shared experience, I love watching the credits roll and letting it all sink in.  So, the other day when I responded that “I’m always up for seeing a movie”, I wasn’t kidding!

And one of my favorite parts about the award shows (especially the Oscars) is the montage.  Oh I love me a good montage.

Maybe what I love about the montage is that it captures that magic of the movies, those moments that stay with you.

And in watching just the first half hour or so of the Oscars, I was reminded about two enchanting films that I’ve seen over the last several months. The first one, is Hugo (photo at the top of this post). What a fun fun film. And so different from the usual Scorsese fare. Loved this one.

The second film I was recently treated to was Midnight in Paris.

Scene from Midnight in Paris with the main female character in a flapper style dress smoking a cigarette

This is another one that is just a delightful film. The kind of movie that makes you smile. If you haven’t seen either of these, you really should!

And there’s a couple of movies I’m looking forward to as well…

scene from the Great Gatsby movie with the main characters at a party in formal attire
movie poster for Farewell, My Queen

The Great Gatsby is being redone. (look at that champagne glass!!!!!!! I’m totally obsessed)  And speaking of champagne, last night a good friend mentioned this new Marie Antoinette film that I simply have to see (since I am also obsessed with all things MA).

So there you have it…my love of the movies.  That I know will be revisited again and again.  And I’m sure I’ll have more to share as I watch the rest of the Oscars.  Maybe this weekend?

And a few things I’m grateful for this week:

  • Making it to book club regardless of a migraine
  • Rain storms on Friday night
  • A last minute invite from a friend and getting together Saturday afternoon
  • Great car insurance and them making it easy for me to file a claim after a car accident
  • Some fun polish showing up in the mail – for free!
  • Getting to see a good friend Tuesday night and giving him a big hug
  • Kitten snuggles

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