Lover at Last was the first “new” book for me in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. The books up to this point have all been re-reads. But, I guess I stopped reading the new ones around about 2012 when this one was released. I feel like I read this super fast. I started it the last day of March and finished it on April 5th. I kept wanting to skip over everything in order to find out what happened with Blay and Qhuinn next. But, I was also curious about some of the other plotlines going on in this book. Really enjoyed this one.

Next up was Possession, the fifth book in the Fallen Angels series. I was hoping this one would be at least as good as the last one, and it was a page turner for sure. I couldn’t get enough of Cait and Duke. Finished this one up on the 11th of the month.

As much as I enjoyed Possession, I was excited to be back with the Brothers to see what happens next. This is book 12 in the series and I feel like a lot happened with Wrath and it was a huge shift of him really stepping into his role as king. Lots of loose ends left at the end of this so I can’t wait to see where we go from here. Also, can we talk for a minute about this book cover. At no where, no time, has Wrath ever been described as anything other than with long black hair and a widow’s peak. Who the actual hell is this blond dude supposed to be? Get it together, publishers.

Next on my list was Immortal. This is the sixth and final book in the Fallen Angels series and took me quite a while to read. I didn’t love it. While there was resolution, it just sort of left me feeling flat. Out of the six of these, half of them were really good and the other half weren’t great. If it weren’t for the crossover between this series and the Black Dagger series, I’m not sure I would have stuck with them.

After that I picked up the next book in the Brotherhood, The Shadows. I started this on the 27th of the month, so I’m carrying it over into May. My friend, Annette, that I’m reading these with said this one is an emotional rollercoaster.
Oh, and J.R. Ward announced that she will be doing a book on Lassiter, which I’m very excited about.