Back to Work Clothes

I am finally starting back to work after being laid off from my job of eight years at Christmas. I am really looking forward to working again. And in honor of my new job, I needed what else? New clothes (in smaller sizes!!). Eric & I went through my closet last weekend and did another round of pruning, to get rid of whatever wasn’t working for me anymore – sizes, styles, etc. I also went through my shoes too, this time. I really would like to invest in some nicer shoes, rather than have several pairs from “le target”, if you know what I mean. So, out went some of the cheap shoes, and out went some of the shoes with a heel as wide as my fist. I made a list of the things I’d like to add into my wardrobe and/or replace with better quality.

  • new workout clothes
  • tops – button-down, fitted
  • new pair of jeans
  • mary janes
  • summer heels (white pr0bably)
  • ankle boots
  • possibly a new black purse (the purses still need to be gone through)

Then, we went shopping. I did get some new workout clothes (which I won’t bother to show you), and then a few other things. Have a look…

I wanted tops with great color, and I also found I have several black or black and white skirts, so I wanted a skirt with some color too. The top has ruching at the sides for a more fitted look.

I love the pink and white top especially. The blue one is basically the same as the red top with ruching at the sides. The purple top has ruching in the back.

And, since I mentioned I was going to have to add some emerald green into my wardrobe, when I found this lightweight sweater, I had to have it. I love the neckline on it. It would look great dressed up, or even with jeans.

And I’ve had this top since the end of the year, but have never worn it. I just love it, but since I’m losing weight I am sometimes between sizes. This one doesn’t quite fit yet.

When I looked through my closet, I realized that the majority of tops that I have are pullover, t-shirt type tops. I really want to begin to pull a more put-together and fitted look into my wardrobe, and I think I’ve got a good start here!

Oh, and I can’t forget…the pièce de résistance…

I cannot tell you how in love I am with these shoes. I was just immediately drawn to them, and Eric liked them as well. I’ve never had a pair of shoes even remotely like these. They are, shall we say, a little outside my box. I am still so pleased with the last pair of really nice heels I bought, so I was glad to be able to have another nice pair. These are Gianni Bini, the style is Viper, and they have a metallic heel. Gorgeous!!

Even better, they were on sale!

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