
4/26/09 – 5/2/09

I started off the week by making one of my favorite things – Taco Soup. I got this recipe forever ago, I think off a blog, and then Eric and I have modified it to suit our tastes.

It’s a great thing to make on Sunday and then have to take for lunches (or in my case dinners too) throughout the week. Mmmm. It’s really good with sour cream and a little bit of shredded cheese on top too.

Monday night – heading to class at church. I always pass this on the way and love the script on the building, so I thought a photo was in order.

Tuesday evening I met my friend Jennifer at a wine bar for a little catching up. She brought me a beautiful necklace as a gift. Plus I thought the candlelight was so pretty in there with the checkerboard table.

Going to the gym, even when it’s pouring rain.

And it was time to get my nails done. I thought it appropriate that they matched the book I am reading.

Every year I give my Goddaughter a charm for a charm bracelet I started for her when she was born. Each charm is engraved with an attribute that I would wish for her – something I’ve learned over the past year. This past year’s lesson was “Balance”. Learning to have balance in my life has been a struggle and I hope I can pass on to her what I’ve learned.

Of course, I sent her some fun books too…books I read when I was her age.

And on Saturday my friend, Ava, had a bunch of ladies over to her home for an afternoon of visiting and stitching. We sat out of her beautiful covered back porch by the pool until it started raining so hard that we decided it was best to go inside. It was a truly wonderful afternoon, and one I hope we do again soon.

A very full but fun week.

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