Black Dagger Brotherhood

book cover of Dark Lover by J.R. Ward

Adding a little spice to your Friday, I thought I’d review my most recent read.  I know, I know…how can you choose something to read after reading The Help?  Impossible isn’t it.  I tried picking up a book I’d previously set aside, The Museum of Innocence.  I still couldn’t get into it, even after 150 pages.  So, I gave up.  Still not having an easy time deciding what to read, so I decided to go to the completely opposite end of the spectrum.  I chose, as Eric likes to call it, “Vampire smut”.

Now, don’t discount the vampire smut so lightly.  Back some time ago when my friend, Missy, recommended this series to me she basically warned me that they are not great literature, but that they are fun, hot, romantic, funny, and that I would love the references to fashion.  How could I resist?  She loaned me the first five or so books in the series and told me to get to it.

I, being the restrained, cold-hearted cynic that I am did not expect much.  So I started in on the first book.  Within days I had finished the first book and dove into the next book.  I could not stop.  I approached these books in about the same way I approach a box of Thin Mints – one minute I’m cracking it open and the next minute I’m wondering why they’re all gone.  In fact I was reading one of these books instead of studying for one of my certification exams.  It got so bad at one point, I was like a junkie.  Eric had to physically take the book out of my hand and refuse to let me have it back.  True.

I have since returned Missy’s books to her and begun buying my own (the sign of a true addict).  So when confronted with what to read, the answer was simple.  There was a new Black Dagger Brotherhood book I hadn’t ripped through yet.  And so I settled in for another foray into the world of the hotness the Brothers.  Although it’s hard to top that first book in the series, I think this book may have been one of my favorites.  The books actually seem to be getting better, the storylines a little more complex, and it’s not all about the hot & sweaty.  But there’s still plenty of hot & sweaty.  *fanning myself*  There’s also a ton of romance that even managed to crack my icy heart.

So, if you haven’t checked out the Black Dagger series, I highly recommend it.  Just read them for what they are and enjoy them while they last.  It’s gonna be awhile before I can get my fix again.  Speaking of which, when is Girl Scout cookie selling season?

hand with red manicure resting on top of the book cover for Lover Eternal by J. R. Ward

Oh and bonus, the books look great with my manicure (this one was the completely appropriate shade of Essie’s After Sex).  True that.

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