A Bouquet of Birthday Roses

August 2014 in Photos collage showing dresses, belly dancers, colorful roses, Tori Amos

How I spent my birthday month…

★ Spent the first part of the month in Mesa, AZ for a stitching workshop with four girlfriends.  Visited a fun quilt shop while we were there and of course had margaritas!

★ Wore my CrowsToes Huginn & Munin polish – in. love.

★ Dress shopping to find something to wear to a wedding.  Came home with these two lovelies. Wore one to the wedding and one to my birthday dinner.

★ The wedding was held in an art gallery, which was so fun.  After the wedding, a dinner was held at a fantastic Turkish restaurant.  I always enjoy the belly dancers as well.

★ Participating in the YogaGirl challenge – I did yoga!

★ Pulled out my Angel cards in order to focus my thoughts.  Interesting that I pulled Creativity when my life felt anything but creative right now.  It was good to meditate on what creativity means to me.

★ Coincidentally I share a birthday with Tori Amos.  Love her so much, her music gets inside me and wraps itself around my emotions

★ Birthday dinner at Ziziki’s Greek restaurant wearing the beautiful ring Eric gave me and beautiful birthday roses

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