12/20/09 -12/26/09
Some more photos of the decorated house.
The stockings I made…

Our Christmas card basket again, but now it’s full!

The living room tree.

A close up of our stockings…

My childhood nutcracker. My parents gave him to me before we went to see the ballet.

It takes a village…er, I mean…here’s the rest of the village.

Our Charlie Brown tree with the handmade ornaments. I really need a better looking tree, don’t I?

I love the lights reflected in the photos on our gallery wall. (We actually change some of the photos out with photos from our NY trip at Christmas-time).

A couple little handmade ornaments up close.

Eggnog & Dessert Party Photos here.
Christmas Eve photos here.
And here’s Romeo watching me getting ready for Christmas Eve dinner.

Christmas Eve it started snowing, and we ended up with a white Christmas.