
colorful Chihuly glass sculpture in front of palm leaves

Well, I missed doing my TILT post last week, and almost missed it again this week.  Of course, with my birthday celebrations, my schedule is a little bit in an uproar, but I decided it was important to get this post in this week.  I’ve been having a lot of fun for my birthday and will post on that for sure soon.  But, today, I thought I’d focus on one of my favorite things.  Most people that know me for any length of time know that I love art (I have a BFA in Art History) and that one of my favorite artists is Dale Chihuly.  I have been in love with his work for a long time, and remember fondly my dad recording (back in the VHS days) specials on Chihuly and his work for me.  I’ve been lucky enough to share this love of these intricate blown glass sculptures with Eric.  And in a funny way, our relationship has involved a series of Chihuly sightings, which has been fun.  We’ve managed to see Chihuly installations in a variety of places, most recently in Miami a couple of years ago.  The photo at the top of the post was from there.

But our first foray into Chihuly sightings, and where I first introduced Eric to his work, was in the Bahamas.  Eric took me on a cruise to the Bahamas back in February of 2005.  At the Atlantis resort, I was ecstatic to find four Chihuly sculptures.

sphere-shaped Chihuly sculpture in blues and whites

That trip to the Bahamas was also where Eric proposed.  So it was a memorable trip for sure!

The year after we were married, we took a trip to Philadelphia for his cousin’s wedding.  And guess what we stumbled upon?

towering red Chihuly sculpture

This piece is called The Flame of Liberty and it is stunning.  I didn’t get the best of photos of it, since I was still kind of new to the whole photography thing.  But so fortuitous to find another Chihuly on this trip together.

On our second anniversary, Eric surprised me with a trip to Oklahoma City.  Why Oklahoma, you ask?  He took me to the Oklahoma Museum of Art which boasts the largest collection of Chihuly pieces anywhere in the world.  Now that is a man who loves me!!!  And the pieces in Oklahoma were amazing for sure.

towering Chihuly sculpture in greens and yellows and blues with glass walls on two sides and a skylight above

And this ceiling that is reminiscent of the Bellagio ceiling in Las Vegas.  Such an amazing play of light and color through the glass pieces.

Chihuly glass ceiling installation in a variety of colors

There was even a Chihuly at my old office.  Thankfully I took photos of it before I became a casualty of massive layoffs.

Chihuly sculpture in burgundies, blues, and greens - wall installation

And you might wonder why I decided to focus this TILT post on Chihuly’s work?  Well, currently the Dallas Arboretum is home to a Chihuly installation and I can’t wait to go and see it.  I have heard that the pieces they have on location are stunning.  I am so looking forward to it getting a bit cooler out so that I can venture out to see what they have.

Chihuly sculptures at the Dallas Arboretum

And while the pieces are always amazing in daylight, I can imagine they are even more stunning at night.  I hope to get to see them in both.

2 thoughts on “Chihuly”

  1. I love Chihuly too! We went to the OKCMoA this summer and the exhibit was wonderful. The boats were my favorite, followed closely by the ceiling of gorgeousness! We didn’t make it to the Arboretum when we were in Dallas…party poopers didn’t want to drive ‘that far’ to see it. Boooo! Hope it cools down for you to go and enjoy!

  2. Oh gosh, I love his work too!! Such great pics! And so neat that you ended up seeing so many pieces in person either by accident or on purpose!

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