Christmas Time is Here

It seems so long since I’ve posted here! We finished our decorating this past weekend after returning from our trip to New York City. I found this wreath while we were out shopping for a tree, and liked the look of it. I’ve never had a wreath before. I have a painted wooden angel that I usually hang on the front door – but the wind always catches her and bangs her against the door. The wreath is much quieter!

Eric decorated the outside – it is hard to see in this photo, but the large bushes have blue lights on them and the little ones have white lights.

We put a lighted garland in the entry way. I actually bought this last year, but it never got put out. I love the way it looks.

I decorated our side table in the dining room with my beginnings of a Christmas village.

These are from the Department 56 Dickins Village series. I had one from years ago, and Eric bought the second piece for me this year. Our Christmas cards are in the little tray. The lighted tree was made by my mom years and years ago. Eric replaced the bulb and wiring in it this year to make it a little safer. There was duct tape holding the previous fixture together! Not so safe! I put batting down too – for snow.

I bought this little wooden candle carousel last year and I just love it. It has angels and shepherds and wise men, along with the holy family.

These are the stockings I made for Eric and I last year. I love how they turned out and was so happy to put them out again this year. I decorated the mantel with pine boughs, silver trees, silver reindeer, crystal balls and a snowglobe.

We bought a live tree, which is only the second live tree I’ve ever had. It smells so wonderful! We put white lights on the tree. We have a variety of ornaments, most are blown glass, but I also have the Swarovski annual ornaments from the last couple of years. They catch the light so beautifully. (Do you see that black tail disappearing behind the tree – that was Othello, looking for a place to sleep under the tree.)

I also have my Bride’s Tree Ornaments that I bought last year for our first married Christmas. They are symbols of things like happiness, fertility, home, faith, etc. I love them!

Eric also puts a train under the tree. We have a Polar Express train, and Romeo was very interested in watching it last night.

Hope you are all enjoying your own decorating and looking forward to the holidays!

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