One of the things I’ve had on my to-do list was to reorganize my closet. Eric and I share a closet and it is tiny. And somehow during the winter months it sort of exploded and I’d never gotten it back under control. So, one of my goals this month was to take care of this closet. These are the before photos, just to give you an idea. It wasn’t terrible, but it was making me crazy.

Part of the problem was that a good portion of my sweaters were stacked up on top of my shoe rack. Which sort of turned this spot into a catchall for clothes.

And as I pull out shoes that are in shoe boxes, they kind of go back up on the shelf haphazardly. The shoes on the floor tend to end up wherever I kick them off.

So it was clear, something had to be done before I lost my mind. The first thing I did was pick up another sweater box at The Container Store. Then I made sure all of my sweaters were clean so that I could put them away for next year. That one box made a huge difference in my closet.

As you can see, I can now actually get to the shoes on the top of the shoe rack without having a huge pile of clothes there.

And I took five minutes and restacked my shoe boxes on top of the shelf. Now the box that’s missing its top is on the top of the stack, rather than somewhere in the middle which makes the whole stack wonky. What a concept. <— sarcasm

And the shoes on the floor have been relegated back to their boxes. Hopefully they will stay that way.

It’s amazing what a difference one box and less than an hour’s time makes. My closet looks so much better, and it’s not making me lose my mind everytime I slide open that door.
Now I can cross this off my to do list and move onto some other things I need to do around the house. Eric and I must be nesting, because all of a sudden we keep thinking of projects that need to be done. Speaking of which, thanks for the compliments on the Patio Project. We are so pleased with how it turned out! The next project for me is making a skirt for my craft table in an effort to hide all of my “stuff” underneath it.
Good job Michelle! I’ve been meaning to clean out my closets for months! My closets are teeny. I’m going to try and take some of my thing to consignment. I have to remember to go to the Container Store. There was something I was going to get and of course, I can’t remember what it is now!