At the end of March I started the fifth book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Silver Flames. It is a pretty hefty book clocking in at 600+ pages. I think I ripped through it in about a week though. Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down. I found myself carrying the book around the house with me so that I could sneak a few pages in at every opportunity. This book was so good and I found myself thinking about it when I wasn’t reading, and going back and rereading parts of it over again. The last 30 pages or so just about killed me. SJM has this way of ripping out your heart but making you grateful for it. The moment I closed the book after that last page, I was contemplating rereading it. I am planning to do a post on this whole series too, so look for that.

I couldn’t decide what to read after finishing ACOSF. Nothing was going to stand up to it, so I decided to go back to my Blood Fire Saga books. I figured it would tide me over until I figured out where I wanted to go next.

Thrall of the Vampire King by Bella Klaus is the fourth book in the Blood Fire Saga. One of the things I really like about this book is that Mera worked at a crystal shop, so she has knowledge of crystals and sound baths (sound healing with crystal bowls) as well as meditation and chakras. And she uses all those skills in The Flame. I find that really interesting. This book ended of course on yet another cliffhanger. But, I have to say that when Hades appears has has wings that are “blacker than the midnight sky” it immediately made me think of Rhys.

After finishing up Thrall of the Vampire King, I couldn’t help myself and started A Court of Silver Flames again. I found myself getting locking onto small details I didn’t catch originally. And just like the first time I read it, I found myself thinking about the book when I wasn’t reading it, remembering scenes, and then feeling like I had to go back and reread the scene again to remember exactly the way something was phrased. I definitely read this slower than I did the first time, but I think it allowed me to savor it and pick up on things I didn’t initially. I realized this time house much I loved the House and how it takes care of Nesta and understands her but still pushes her to do what she needs to do. When I finished it, I felt just as bereft as I did the first time. How would I move on to another book knowing it won’t be as good? I’m glad I read it again. I’m glad it was just as good, if not better, the second time.

I decided to go back to the Blood Fire Saga again and read the next book in line, Passion of the Vampire King.

This one is a carry over into May, so more on it next time.