Coat of Arms

closeup in black and white of a coat of arms

Wednesday again. Although with all the pain meds it could be August for all I know. Root canal part 2 was on Monday and unfortunately there’s going to be a part 3.

The photo from today’s walk is due to having been listening to Angels and Demons on audiobook. It just reminded me of it, for some reason. The thing I love about audiobooks is that I can go back and visit books I enjoyed reading over and over. And when there’s a good narrator, I love it even more.

I’m hoping to get some more movie watching in this weekend. Eric and I are two episodes away from finishing Season 6 of The Sopranos. We’ve watched the whole show on DVD over the past couple of months and have really enjoyed it. So once we finish, I’m thinking it’s movie time!

I’m working on reading my book for my upcoming book club too. It would be nice to read something else, I feel like I’ve been reading this book forever!

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