Cobwebs and Stardust

hardback book A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas

A look back at what I read in February. On the first, I started my next book in the ACOTAR series, A Court of Wings and Ruin. I ordered the original hardback so that I could add it to my collection. It took me about ten days to read this and there was a TON I had forgotten since the first time I read it. As usual with these books, I was sucked in immediately and hurtled along until the end. Feyre really comes into her own in this book, and you really start to see that strength and determination shine through. ACOMAF is my favorite of the series (so far), but there is something about Wings and Ruin that is like taking everything that you’ve learned, everything that has been brewing, and watch it as it is forged into steel.

“You do not fear. You do not falter. You do not yield. Remember that you are a wolf. And you cannot be caged.”

A Court of Wings and Ruin By Sarah J Maas

After finishing ACOWAR, I did a small stint through more of Jade West’s books. And then I decided to see if I could check ebooks out of the library. I’ve been feeling a bit sad with not being able to go to the library thanks to Covid, but ebooks would definitely be an option. And, as luck would have it, my library did offer that option. I decided to check out a book that was recommended as part of the Ex Libris Fibers Spectral Collection monthly club last year (the one that had me reading Frankenstein) and was also part of the Spooky Nerds Book Club on Instagram.

book cover for The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

I’d never read any Shirley Jackson before, so I was looking forward to giving it a try. I love a good gothic spooky story, so this sounded perfect. I started this the night after Valentine’s Day when we were sitting in the house with no power (thanks, Texas electric company!), with candles for light, and wrapped up in quilts for warmth. Sadly, once my internet went down, I was without my book to read. I’ll talk more about my thoughts on this in my March review, since I didn’t finish it in February.

book cover for Allure of the Vampire King by Bella Klaus
Allure of the Vampire King by Bella Klaus

In the midst of reading Haunting at Hill House, I got suckered into a book that I kept seeing advertised on Instagram. I mean, it had all the pre-requisites: vampires, check; romance, check; woman that works at a crystal shop and is interested in energy healing, check. Allure of the Vampire King is the first in the Blood Fire Saga by Bella Klaus (which is possibly the most ridiculous pen name I’ve ever heard. It’s just a bit too “on the nose”). I did really love that Mera works at a crystal shop and I enjoyed her talking about crystals and their properties. Spoiler alert: There was a part in the book where the Enforcers come after Mera, and her subsequent trial and imprisonment, that really reminded me of the show Motherland: Fort Salem, which is an interesting take on witches as a military unit. I really enjoyed this book. More than I thought I would. I read this in about four days. Of course, it ended on this huge cliffhanger, so then I had to read the next one.

book cover for Captive of the Vampire King by Bella Klaus
Captive of the Vampire King by Bella Klaus

I dove right into book two in the series (which I’m sure was the plan with the cliffhanger ending). McCavity, her cat, makes me laugh. Whenever he says “Meow”, instead of thinking of the sound of a cat meowing, it makes me think of a person saying “meow”. I love that he’s there to protect Mera. And, of course, this one ended on another freaking cliffhanger as well. I started this one at the tail end of February and it carried me into March.

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