Contented Little Sips

9/6/09 – 9/12/09

Gathering fat quarters of some 30s Reproduction fabrics for a baby quilt for a friend.

rolls of blue quilt fabrics

Pollo Asada with a fresh tomato salad.

piece of pollo asada and tomato salad on a plate

New manicure with OPI’s You Ottoware Purple. Love how it matches my ring, don’t you?

manicure with purple polish and amethyst ring

This guy was outside my office window. Sometimes I have days like this too.

squirrel laid flat on a tree branch

Reading in the car before class while the rain came down. I love that this chapter is called “Contented Little Sips”. If you want to read a great book, try The Elegance of the Hedgehog. We are reading it for book club and it is fantastic.

hand with purple nail polish holding a book open to a chapter heading that reads "Contented Little Sips" with rain coming down on the window

Every night Eric makes our protein shakes for the next day. Mid-morning snack, before gym, after gym.

tupperware containers of protein powder

And on Saturday we participated in the Dallas Heart Walk….in the rain. We tried to stay under the tent until the walk started.

people under a tent wearing Heartwalk t-shirts and red balloons

I did like seeing all the colorful umbrellas though. But, note to fellow walkers – if you cannot control your umbrella, please don’t walk with it. You are going to stab someone in the eye. And P.S. – you are wider with an umbrella, so keep that in mind too. K, thanks.

people under a tent wearing Heartwalk t-shirts and red balloons
people under a tent wearing Heartwalk t-shirts and red balloons

I’m so glad Eric and I did the Heart Walk together. It really meant a lot to me. I hope we can do it again next year too.

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