This summer is just zooming by like nobody’s business. Frankly, July was a rough month. Started out fine but then it took a nosedive. My crazy work schedule took over again and a lot of late nights left me feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Near the end of the month I made some adjustments in my attitude and did my best to start looking at things from a place of gratitude and abundance. Amazing what a difference that makes. Two things that have really helped me are the IG posts from @tarotandtea, particularly her daily tarot advice, and Katie O’Keefe’s blog and IG. I’m loving watching her moving through #intentionalaugust and #mth (making things happen). Both are two roads to the same destination, a destination of re-engaging with myself and what means most to me. All a work in progress, but I’m feeling a lot better equipped to deal with the “stuff” that’s going on in my life right now.
So, what adventures did I get up to in July? It was so nice to have a long weekend for 4th of July, and you can see I celebrated with a fun mani. I spent a day with some girlfriends over that weekend too – I even baked cookies! Eric and I opted to not go out to see fireworks, but instead we enjoyed the evening at home and watched some of the specials on tv.
We had lots of rain in July and it actually made for a much cooler summer than we’re used to in Texas. I love it when it rains, so it’s always a little bonus.
As part of my attitude adjustment, I spent some extra time on myself – nails (of course), some new makeup (eyeliner and powder), dug out my favorite summertime heels (don’t those cherries kill you?), and some summery statement necklaces like my starfish that jingle! I even went through all the lipstick I have hoarded in my purse. Amazing what you find in there.
I had a little bit of relaxation time that I spent working on a gift for my Goddaughter (a summery yellow quilt) and catching up on my DVR’d shows, namely the red carpet from the Oscars. Yes, it was in February.
Eric and I also did something for ourselves, we finally ordered our frame for the photo we printed from our honeymoon so we could hang it over our bed. The frame is perfect and goes beautifully with the warm tones of the sunset from the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome. Apologies for the reflection/glare in the photo…but trust me it looks wonderful. And it allowed us to mark our bedroom as complete on our home improvement list.
So that was July, and we’re already halfway through August so I’d better start thinking about my August in Photos post!