I started The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness almost at the end of January, so I wasn’t very far into it when February started. This is the third book in the All Souls Trilogy. This book was so much easier to get into than the last one, but it was still a bit slow going at the beginning. Once I got to the halfway mark, everything picked up speed and intensity. So much so that I had a hard time putting it down. I loved this book. I really love the series. And while the second book was harder to get through, so much happened and it was a pivotal part of the story. I’m so glad I persevered. This series was so worth it. I’m glad too that I bought the hardbacks to add to my library.

It took me until the middle of the month to finish Book of Life, so then it was time to get moving on my reread of the first Crescent City book since the new one was on its way to me.

The first time I read House of Earth and Blood, I got really bogged down at the beginning of it with all the world-building. This time through, it was a lot less confusing, but there is a ton of information in the beginning. I picked up a lot more about Ruhn this time through and how his starborn power is the least of his abilities. His shadow powers definitely have me drawing a comparison to Azriel in the ACOTAR series and ever since reading it the first time I have been suspicious that there is a correlation between the Starsword and Azriel’s Truthteller. But, I digress.
The thing I really love about this book is that it’s essentially a murder mystery. It’s still set in a paranormal/fantasy world but it has that feel of a good detective novel. And I love the verbal sparring between Hunt and Bryce. And I love how their relationship changes when he starts to realize that she’s not just a party girl and that she has completely walled herself off emotionally.

And as with all SJM books, those last 100-200 pages are a roller coaster ride of emotions. Once you hit that point of no return, you cannot put the book down.
Such a good book, and just as enjoyable the second time through. I really hoped the new one would be just as good if not better. How it could be better, I had no idea though.
So, I was excited that the second book was released and instead of ordering from Amazon again after the ordeal of trying to get an undamaged book from them when I ordered A Court of Silver Flames last year, I opted to order from an independent bookstore even though I knew I would be paying a little more for it. I couldn’t wait for my book to arrive from Nowhere Bookshop.

My book arrived on February 20th and I couldn’t wait to get lost in it. I finished House of Earth and Blood on the 25th and then the time had finally come.
And I have to say that House of Sky and Breath is a gorgeous book. And it’s almost a third thicker than House of Earth and Blood although they have basically the same page count. Crazy.
Anyway, I started HOSAB on the 26th, so you’ll have to wait until my March book post before I can report back with my thoughts. So far, I’m loving it.
So, that’s it for February. Tell me what you’ve been reading.