Dallas After Dark

At the end of June, Eric invited me to go on a photo walk around Dallas with a group of Photographers (actual real live Photographers). Although it was hot as anything, I do think it was worth going for the few good shots I got (even with my point and shoot camera).

We started off our walk at Dealey Plaza and then went over to catch some shots of Reunion Tower as the sun was setting.

We walked back past the Old Red Courthouse and then down to the West End.

I’ve learned that I really enjoy taking photos of neon. It could be that whole attracted-to-bright-sparkly thing I’ve got going on. But I took a ton of photos of the neon down here.

And those rainbow neon tubes are where Planet Hollywood used to be, I believe. Eric and I ducked into Spaghetti Warehouse for something cold to drink while the rest of the group was enamored with a horse-drawn carriage. Other than the chihuahua in a dress sitting in the carriage, I didn’t really feel the need to take a photo. I think the cold drink was a better idea!

I just love the photo below, with the green building all sharp and the people below blurred.

Of course, when you’re walking around with a group of twenty or so Photographers all with huge amounts of camera equipment and tripods, people ask what you’re doing. I think some guys used the explanation that we were paparazzi. And while we’re on the subject of tripods – let me just say, Photographers, there is a right way and a wrong way to carry a tripod. Jutting out behind you, and smacking people (me) with it every time you turn is bad form. Just sayin’.


And the photo below, is probably my favorite photo of the night.

I just had a point and shoot with me on the walk, so I just kind of wandered about snapping photos of whatever caught my fancy, while the Photographers set up with their tripds and long lenses and flashes. I had fun.

From West End, we walked over to the Dallas Aquarium. I was starting to get tired and hot by this time. We’d been walking for several hours at this point. Why didn’t I wear my pedometer???

And our last stop of the night (for Eric and I) was Fountain Place. There are tons of fountains here, and it was really pretty lit up. I liked this photo with the pink begonias in the foreground though.

After that, Eric and I decided to head home as we were both tired. What a fun night though. Thanks, sweetie, for inviting me to go out with the Photographers! Photos from our Miami trip are coming soon!

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