A couple of weekends ago, a friend and I met down in Deep Ellum for a photowalk. It was a good chance for me to practice a bit with my camera, enjoy her company, and get in some exercise. Win-win-win!

I was really looking forward to shooting down in this area of town because I’d missed out when the photo club had done this the weekend before. Back in my high school and college days I spent a fair amount of time in Deep Ellum, and it has changed a lot over the years. But it was, as always, full of interesting things.

We were faced with a rather grey and chilly morning, but I was really pleased with the shots I got anyway. I had a bit of fun with some of my images in post-processing too. It’s another photo overload post, but I love those kinds of posts. So, I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves.

This was one of my favorite shots of the day because it made me laugh. Hard to read, but the sign in the window says “Hippies Use Side Door”. And let me just say for the record, I was basically flat on the ground to get this shot. Glad no one was behind me with a camera.

We’re hoping to get together for more photos-about-town walks. I’m really looking forward to that.