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screenshot of Dracula Daily with text that says "This is the best thing ever. Started May 3rd but you can catch up at any time."

Before I dive into my look back at what I read in May, I have to share something that’s been absolutely making my days – Dracula Daily. My friend, Annette, alerted me to it and I immediately signed up. It’s the entire book but sent via email to correspond with the dates in the book. If you’ve never read the book, most of it is written in letter and diary form. Getting the book emailed to you in “real time” makes it easy to read in small chunks and it’s kind of cool just to have that parallel.

The part I love the most though? The little summaries that are given at the beginning of the email. They are always good for a little chuckle to myself when I open them. My understanding is that they do this every year starting on May 3rd, so you can sign up now and read the previous posts on the website or you can wait until next year.

book cover for The Shadows by J.R. Ward

Ok, so let’s dive right in. I started the next book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood at the end of April and finished it just a couple days into May. This one was an emotional roller coaster for sure and it was really really good. I bawled my eyes out several times through this book.

book cover for Blood Kiss by J.R. Ward

Next up (still reading in publication order and including the spinoff series) was Blood Kiss, the first book in the Black Dagger Legacy series, and I wasn’t sure what to expect since the Fallen Angels series was a bit hit or miss for me. I shouldn’t have worried though, this was so good and I blew through it in about four days. I really enjoyed it and I hope these continue to be good like this.

book cover of The Beast by J.R. Ward

The Beast is the 14th book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and I had a feeling from the title that this book was going to focus on Rhage, who is one of my favorites. One of the things I appreciate so much about this series is that although the original books of the Brothers were all about falling in love and getting mated, these past few books have been more about working through the issues that come up. But, I appreciate that Ward is showing that it’s not all hunky dory and that couples have issues, and sometimes they are really big issues.

book cover of Blood Vow by J.R. Ward

Blood Vow takes it back to the Black Dagger Legacy series and I started this one around the middle of the month. I had a hard time getting into this initially. I think I’m starting to feel a little burnout with the books and most of that I think can be attributed to the constant kid/baby plotlines we seem to be on. I’m sick to death of that, honestly. I did enjoy this once it got going and I read it relatively quickly. But, enough with the baby/kid stuff.

book cover of The Chosen by J.R. Ward

The Chosen I gave three stars to. Because just when I thought we were out of the kid game, here we are right back with more. Sigh. Did not love this one.

book cover of Blood Fury by J.R. Ward

Another Legacy book, Blood Fury. I really liked this one and zipped through it in three days.

book cover of Dearest Ivie by J.R. Ward

Dearest Ivie is the first novella in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. It’s set in the world but focused on different characters. I read it in about a day and it’s basically a stand-alone so it was kind of a nice break from the constant baby barrage. This one ripped my heart out. It reminded me of Me Before You and also Hello, Stranger by Jade West that I read a while back. So good.

book cover of The Thief by J.R. Ward

And finally, right at the end of the month I started The Thief. Really looking forward to seeing what happens with Assail and Sola. I’ll be back at the end of June with my June reads!

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