Usually for Eric’s birthday, he requests the special cake I make for him
(which I need to share). This year, he decided he wanted something different and requested an apple pie. This would be only the second apple pie I’ve ever made. Of course, it’s only been a few years ago that I first even had apple pie (I know, shocking).
My first apple pie was made in my beautiful Emile Henry pie dish (in red, of course). Anyway, that apple pie was made with both a top and bottom pastry crust. I even cut little stars out of the top crust because I was making it for Memorial Day. (Pardon the bad photo)

Well, for this adventure in pie making, Eric requested a Dutch Apple Pie with the streusel on top rather than a top pastry crust. Also, the recipe he wanted called for a graham cracker pie crust. I admit I was leery. But, I moved ahead with my pie and cut up apples then added sugar, brown sugar, lemon juice, cinnamon and nutmeg to the mix.
I couldn’t use my pretty pie dish due to the graham cracker crust of it all, but when it came out of the oven it looked and smelled heavenly.

It smelled so heavenly in fact, that I was tempted to cut right into that bad boy while Eric was out. I refrained and instead settled for this…

Hmm, apparently I should have taken photos before cracking this open. Yummy, nonetheless.
And, on Eric’s birthday, we cut into that lovely pie and I have to say, the graham cracker crust was surprisingly good. I think I prefer the pastry crust, but the streusel topping is a definite yes.
Oh, yum, yum .. I'm talking about the hard cider of course:) – the pies look scrumptious as well.