
orange and blue nebula with the word "September"

September brings with it the beginning of my favorite season, and we actually had some stormy, cooler days that actually made it feel like fall had finally arrived.  As I’m typing this though, we’re back to the 90 degree days but I hope they are short-lived.  We are still staying home as much as possible and aside from sharing a plethora of “autumn aesthetic” posts on my stories, even my Instagram posts are suffering from a state of ennui.  I spent most of the month working on some secret projects with deadlines on the weekends, so I had very little I could share.  Ironically, when the weather turns cooler and the leaves change (sort of, we’re in Texas), I start to feel more alive, inspired, and creative.  I start thinking about plans and projects and what I want to accomplish in the remaining few months of the year.  Sadly, the state of the world tends to put the brakes on my plans.

black cat foot sticking out from underneath  curtains

Even the boys couldn’t be bothered to do much more than nap these days.  Thut has chosen a new napping spot though.  And my deadline projects had to be mailed, so I gathered up all of the things that have been sitting around awaiting a trip to the post office and got those ready to go as well.  Luckily, I was able to go after hours and use the self-service kiosk to limit having any interactions with other people.  And honestly, it feels really good to get these things off my to do list.

stack of boxes and bubble mailers

★ After finishing up our rewatch of Star Trek Deep Space Nine, we decided to watch Star Trek Voyager and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying it too.

chili in a pot

★ We took advantage of one of the cooler days and Eric made chili and I made some mini loaves of cornbread.  It’s been forever since I had cornbread so I was so happy for that little treat.

two loaves of cornbread

★ The only other thing of note in September was that I finally finally finished reading Frankenstein.  I did enjoy it and I will do a separate post about it, but I was glad to turn the last page and start on something new.

cover of leather bound book with Dracula and Frankenstein in it

Here’s hoping for a more eventful October and dreaming of some cooler, rainy days…

fall leaves and a wooden house in the background

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