One of the best things about using essential oils is discovering that you can use them to make your own chemical-free beauty products. I’d been wanting to try my hand at homemade body butter and after seeing a recipe for one on Instagram, I decided to give it a go.
Body Butter:
1 cup raw coconut oil
1/2 cup shea butter
1 Tablespoon vitamin E oil
15 drops of your favorite essential oil
*Mix on high until light and fluffy
For mine I decided to use lavender and Joy. Lavender is wonderful for your skin and I thought Joy would give it a nice bonus as a mood booster. Joy is a blend that contains Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Rose, and several other luxurious oils.
My batch made a ton, so I put a little bit in a small jar I could keep on my vanity and then put the remainder in a big canning jar that I could re-fill from.
Eric had also asked if I could make him some sort of facial cleanser because he was about to run out of what he had been using. So, I looked around online and found a super simple recipe to try.
Exfoliating Facial Cleanser:
1/4 cup Castile soap
1 T baking soda
3/4 tsp coconut oil
10 drops lime
10 drops tea tree
*doubled this for 1 jar
*shake before using
I followed the recipe, including using lime and tea tree oil. Because lime is a citrus oil, you must put it in a glass container as it will break down plastics. But I thought lime would be a great invigorating scent to use in the shower. I did get a bit concerned about using a glass container in the shower, especially if your hands get slippery, so next time I make this I’ll use something other than a citrus oil. But if you’re using this at the sink, glass is just fine. And the baking soda in this recipe is a very gentle exfoliator.
Tea tree oil (Melaleuca A.) is also excellent for skin along with other healthy properties.
I hope you give these a try – let me know if you do!