I remember when I was in elementary school and every fall, we got one Monday off for Fair Day to go to the State Fair. I think we were even given a ticket too. It’s been awhile since the Fair Day’s of my youth, and I don’t know if they even still do that anymore. Since Eric and I have been together, going to the Fair has been an annual outing. Eric has introduced me to so many fun traditions, that we have now taken on as our own. So, last weekend we decided to brave the overcast skies that were threatening more rain and go to the Fair.

I always love all the light and bright colors at the fair, especially against the drabness of the fall weather.

The Fair usually showcases vendors demonstrating the latest gizmos and gadgets. I’m not ever interested in that, but I loved watching this pumpkin-carver at work. Look at the size of that pumpkin!

And every year one of the main thing people talk about in relation to the Fair is the food. There is of course, a new fried something every year. This year, they were offering fried butter and chicken fried bacon too. Fried Coke is kind of old hat. But, I’m more of a traditionalist.

Eric and I split the goodies that we get, so that we can have a couple of different things throughout the day. And I never miss an opportunity to split a pretzel with him, he’s a man after my own heart.

No cotton candy for us, but I did think it was pretty all lined up.

And of all the rides at the Fair, I again lean toward the traditional. The carousel is always one of my favorite things to watch. I just love the colors and the lights, and all the pretty horses.

This was my favorite photo of the day…I caught Aladdin in the mirror of the carousel.

The past couple of year’s I’ve dragged Eric into the Creative Arts building to see all the quilts and cross-stitch pieces, hooked rugs and other crafty items. And there’s always that huge display case of all the food winners.

It started getting dark and chilly, so we decided it was time to head home.

See y’all next year!