For June I chose Septarian. I have a Septarian palm stone that I absolutely love. Also known as Dragon’s Stone, it’s an amazing stone for healers, a phenomenal stone for connecting you with your guides. Septarian expands the waking consciousness of the third eye and crown chakras and enables the throat chakra to assist you in delivering your healing guidance.
After the past few hard months, June seems like it was a flurry of productive activity. Most of the month was spent deep cleaning the house. We planned to focus on one room/area each weekend. We started with the master bathroom and then moved to the master bedroom, dining room, and kitchen. And it’s amazing what a difference it made. The energy of the house was revitalized and no longer stagnant. It makes me want to get back to my Feng Shui practices.

★ I decided to finally try my hand at making my own laundry detergent. So far I’ve really been happy with it. You can find info here on the recipe I used.
★ I’m continuing to work on getting my Day 1 journal entries filled in with missing photos and up to date, which is a huge project, but worth it. I also started a new journal in Day 1 to record my creative pursuits – like what I worked on each day, inspiration, changes, challenges, and progress photos.
★ Along with working on deep cleaning the house, I also worked a good bit on trying to go through and organize my stitching and quilting WIPs. I’m letting go of anything I’m no longer in love with.
★ We finished our rewatch of Game of Thrones seasons 1-7 and then watched the final season. Gutted. I was ok with the ending, to be honest. I’m glad we rewatched though, because I felt like the momentum of it really allowed me to be immersed in that world. But seriously, gutted.
★ Celebrating the summer solstice with a full tarot spread, Transformation essential oil, Sunstone, and Fire Agate
★ Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire