After finishing my last book club book, I decided to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I’d been holding off on reading it, even though my mom lent me hers with rave reviews, because I knew I was going to need a big chunk of time to read it. I’d heard from several people that the book takes a long time to hook you, and that I should give it at least 100 pages before giving up. You can imagine that with that, I was a little leery to even bother. But, I remembered the rave review of my mom so I dove in. Within the first few pages, I was hooked. I wanted to know more. And that same curiosity drove me to read this every chance I got.
The author really takes you down a lot of twists and turns throughout the book. It even has what I call, a “false ending”. That moment when you feel like everything is wrapped up and you’re done, except that you can see you still have a ways to go in the book. I remember going to see a movie once that had one of those false endings. What the hell was the name of that movie…IMDB.com, here I come…oh yeah, Disclosure. That one had a false ending too. I remember actually gathering up my purse, getting ready for the credits to roll and the lights to come up, and lo and behold, there was like 40 more minutes left of the movie.
Anyway, this book really is excellent and well worth the read. I suppose I should tell you to give it to page 100 before giving up, since that’s the advice I was given. But I don’t know that you’ll need it. I’m really looking forward to reading the next two books, but I think I’ll wait a bit before going back in. This book was one of those that left you with a lot to think about. But, so worth a read, it really is.
Not sure how I feel about the new movie coming out, other than I love Daniel Craig. I might be willing to see the original film though, it is probably relatively true to the book, whereas I’m not sure what Hollywood would do with some of the subject matter. But, maybe they’ll surprise me.
Great review! It took me awhile to get into the book but I’m glad I stuck with it. I need to hunt down the other two now.
I am interested in the movie because of Rooney Mara. Love her first name, which is my maiden name. 😉 Yes, I’m lame, but I admit it.
Glad to read your review. I’ve seen the Swedish movies (outstanding, BTW, and I’m told they follow the books closely), but have yet to read the series.