The hot trend for Spring 08 is bright color, and no where is this more apparent than in the movies. The gorgeous green dress of Anne Boleyn in the one-sheet is amazing. But, of course, all the talk since winter has been about that green dress in Atonement.

When I saw the film with two girlfriends, I came away thinking it was the most depressing movie I’d seen in a long time, but that green dress was unforgettable. Just the sheer emerald green color of it in such a grey film was scintillating.

Just amazing.

I am so mesmerized by the simplicity of this dress, although it is actually quite complicated in its wraps and twists. But, that color – color in films is one of the things I so love about cinematography and costume design. It can just make a scene or a character.

And as I was contemplating and gathering my thoughts for this post, what should arrive on my doorstep but the InStyle color issue, with yet another green dress on the cover.

I think I will definitely have to add this color to my wardrobe immediately!