Happy 4th!

glass bottle of Coca Cola and an old-fashioned Coca Cola glass full of Coke one a red white and blue quilt

I hope you’re having a happy Fourth of July!  Eric and I are fully enjoying the long weekend and I am thrilled that he’s been excited about cooking the past couple of days.  While I’m going to be paying for it come weigh in time, I’ve been indulging in some summertime favorites.  Above you can see that Eric found some Cokes in glass bottles, along with the fun Coke glasses.  What is better than a cold Coke from a glass bottle?

fried chicken. corn on the cob, mac & cheese, and coleslaw

And Friday night he made fried chicken, coleslaw, mac & cheese and corn on the cob.  OMG, I had to roll myself away from the table, but it was so so good.  Sunday night we had hot dogs and root beer floats for dessert.  And today we’re celebrating with hamburgers on the grill.

I am always happy when Eric is in the mood to cook and this weekend was a perfect weekend to indulge in some holiday fare.  I hope your 4th is a great one, if you’re celebrating the holiday or not.  We’re looking forward to heading out to see some fireworks tonight, and I do plan to use a tripod to take photos this time (unlike last year!).

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