I started out March with a bang and finished reading House of Sky and Breath on the 7th. HOSAB is the second book in the Crescent City series. I don’t honestly even know what to say about it. I simultaneously have no words and so many words. A LOT happens in this book. There are so many storylines and new characters. And while they weren’t new characters I did have a really hard time not getting confused with the Hind, the Hammer, the Helhound, the Harpy, and the Hawk. Just when I thought I had them sorted out, I would get confused again. But the ending, OMG, the ending. I fully suspected this might happen, not in this way, but I suspected it. And even though I suspected it, my mind was still blown. The book was so so good and I very much enjoyed it. I think I may need a second reread to fully absorb all of the details and all of the stuff that happens in this one. Sarah J. Maas will be releasing Crescent City 3 as her next book and now I understand why this one is next. I can’t wait.

After that, I needed a bit of a palate cleanser. After the complete annihilation of my brain/heart from HOSAB. I figured Bad Influence by Charleigh Rose should be different enough to get me over my book hangover. This is the third book in the Bad Love series (the first being Bad Habit, and the second Bad Intentions). I enjoyed this. It was the perfect thing to read. It was light and different and sexy and a quick read. I especially loved all the music references in it, such as Billie Eilish’s Bad Guy.

And then back on my bullshit with the JR Ward books. lol Next up was the third in the Fallen Angels series, Envy. I was really hoping this one would be better than the last two and hold my attention a little better, and thankfully it was. Really enjoyed this one. Gives me hope for the next one in the series.

After finishing Envy, I was on to the next Black Dagger Brotherhood book, Lover Reborn. This is the last of the series I have in hardback, which means it’s the last book I read in the series. It will be all new territory from here on out. This one actually brought up some stuff for me. I felt like there was a big parallel between me and No’One. She is attempting to disappear by renaming herself, by hiding herself. Not only because she feels unworthy but because it feels unsafe. I can definitely relate to that and it’s something I’ve been trying to work on, which is probably why I recognized it here.

Rapture is the fourth in the Fallen Angels series and I really enjoyed this one, even more than Envy. I really resonated with Mels feeling stuck and like she hadn’t really been living her life, just going through the motions. I’m actually really looking forward to reading the next one of these.

On the last day of March I finished Rapture and then immediately dove into the next Black Dagger Brotherhood book, Lover at Last. Very curious to read this one, since it is Blay and Qhuinn’s book.

I also mentioned in my last post that I’d picked up The House Witch from a friend. I started reading it but haven’t gotten very far in it. I am hoping it will give me some good ways to incorporate the sacred and rituals into my housekeeping.

And I had to share. Eric was cleaning out some old things at his parents’ house and came across some vampire books. I decided to hang onto them. Three are a series by Jeanne Kalogridis, Diaries of the Family Dracul. I read these years and years ago but no longer have my paperbacks. I’ll probably reread these at some point. He also had these two books by Laurell K. Hamilton are some of her Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. Club Vampyre encompasses books 1-3 and The Midnight Cafe encompasses books 4-6. I’ve never read these but they’ve been on my radar a long time. I’m really looking forward to them.