September’s tarot card ~ You may be feeling burnt out, exhausted, or weighed down and trying to do too much at once. The Ten of Wands is a reminder to stop, reassess, and potentially reprioritize to ensure you’re spending your time where it’s most effective in alignment with your goals. The crystals I pulled for September were Septarian for connecting with nature/the Earth to reduce stress and anxiety. Aquamarine to remove resistance and overcome fear of the unknown.
September began with rain and the birds singing and these rainy days hinting of autumn make me long for the shorter days and cooler weather.

We have been talking about replacing our hand-me-down couches in the living room with new couches and a new coffee table and rug. At the beginning of the month, we found some pieces we loved and ordered them. I took some “before” photos so that I could share the difference one we had our new pieces.

Our new rug arrived first and we rolled it out to get a look at it in the room. The boys approved. We’ve had this white Moroccan-inspired rug for so long that I wanted something that had some color to it. And we opted to go with an 8 x 10′ rug which is bigger than our current rug.
Unfortunately, we had a number of issues with the delivery of the new pieces and the (lack of) customer service, so we ended up cancelling our order for the couches, new coffee table, and we returned the rug. I’m sad about it, but after weeks of back and forth with the company, I was just ready to be done with it.
Queen Elizabeth died on the 8th at the age of 96 and it seems like the end of an era. So many people were posting photos and memories of her on social media and it was nice to look back at some of those events from her life. I’ve always wanted to visit London (well, all of England really) and seeing all the posts just really kind of reignited that wish.

I don’t often wear perfume anymore, which is a shame because I love it so much, especially now that I’ve rediscovered Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. But, in one of their posts Jess from Bloodmilk mentioned using perfume oils on her jewelry because with migraines she often can’t wear perfume directly on her skin. But by putting it on her jewelry, she can still enjoy them. She also had included a little niche on the back of the Time is a Phoenix hourglass specifically for this purpose. So, I decided to give it a try and not only did the scent stay much longer that it would on my skin but since I have this piece on a long chain, it became a sort of incense censer and as it would move I would catch the dark, sweet scent. Anointing my jewels brings a new level to wearing perfume.

I’ve also been familiarizing myself with my Nocturna Oracle Deck from The Creeping Moon and I’ve started pulling a new card at the beginning of each week. When I pulled the starfish, my initial thought was that it really didn’t apply, but as with many things once I sat with it and dug a little deeper I knew that there was definitely a message here. The Starfish represents healing, regrowth, sensory. For me, I’m deep in a season of recreating myself – healing after pain and loss and grief; becoming whole. This little starfish was a good reminder.

I received a sample of some sugar scrub from Ms. Bathory’s Apothecary. I’ve mentioned her perfumes and soaps before so I was really excited to give the sugar scrub a try. The scent is her Pumpkin Queen scent, which I’ve been dying to try in a perfume. The scent description is cinnamon, pumpkin, honey, sandalwood, tobacco, and patchouli. And it’s so good. Perfect for fall especially, but any time really. And I loved the sugar scrub so will definitely be ordering more. And some Pumpkin Queen perfume for sure.
Here’s to longing for fall and secret libraries and cozy rainy days with tea and a good book.