
kitchen cabinets and refrigerator

I have to admit that I am feeling a little unsuccessful with my attempts at decorating my home so far. Seeing the blogs of people that just have a knack for decorating really inspire me, but I don’t know how to translate it to my own space. As I mentioned before, this is a rental home, so we can’t paint or change things up too much. The kitchen is one of those places where it is really apparent that there is so much that really needs to be updated and changed. I almost hesitate to show it to you.

In this room, I would really like to have more of a French Country type feel to it (at least touches of it). Of course, being right next to the Asian dining room may have you all wondering if I am design schizophrenic. Maybe I am. Is there a way to pull all these different things into one house without it looking crazy. I want our home to have a world travel sort of feel to it. Maybe there’s a way to have one style throughout the house, but with eclectic, world touches?

The photo above shows the doorway that goes into the dining room. We were making dinner, so the crock pot is out (which it usually isn’t). I’d love this room to have touches of red and yellow in it. The birdhouse cookie jar on the counter is part of my Pfaltzgraff set of dishes that I’ve had forever. At my apartment I had more of a garden theme going in the kitchen with birdhouses, etc. But, I’m kind of done with that look and wanted to go in a different direction. The refrigerator is ours. Eric had to do some creative “rearranging” of the cabinet above it in order to get it to fit underneath.

closeup of cabinets above the refrigerator

There isn’t a lot of wall space for artwork in the kitchen, so I hung this print over the refrigerator to add a pop of red. I wish I could find a place for the panini press other than on top of here. Now that I look at this photo, I’m thinking the candle needs to go too. I’d love to add a wire basket full of lemons or something instead.

closeup of cabinets over the refrigerator

This photo really shows the things I would change if I could – i.e. the cabinets and that horrible fluorescent light fixture. Should I try to incorporate more of my color scheme above the cabinets? Fill it in a little more? I’d love to put a ceramic rooster or something up there.

corner window behind the kitchen sink with plants and a decorative plate on the ledge

In the corner, we have these great windows. I love all the light they let it (although it makes it difficult to take a great photo). I made the curtains to allow for some privacy since our neighbor’s front door is right there, but still let in the light. I actually just bought some sheers, and then cut them off and hemmed them to the right length. We had to sort of rig something up for the curtain rods though since there is no “wall” in between the windows. We ended up hanging the rods from cup hooks, which seems to work pretty well. I love the decorative plate, which I bought at Macy’s several years ago. We’ve got a pot of basil there in a great pot from Pottery Barn, and three African Violets (two of which are actually blooming).

cabinets over the stove

To the right of the sink is the oven and stove, which are brand new. Unfortunately, when they replaced that piece, they didn’t also replaced the hood and metal “backsplash”, which are a different color from the stove (which is white). I’ve got our cookbooks up above on this side, and I like the color they add (plus, they’re out of the way). The copper tea kettle was a gift and I was told it is an antique.

stove, microwave, and cabinets with our cookbooks on the top of the cabinets

The doorway to the right here leads into the living room. The microwave is ours (another new purchase when we moved in). I would love to buy my husband a fancy espresso machine.

framed cross-stitch piece in yellow, green, and white dedicated to lemon meringue pie

The framed piece is a Lemon Meringue Sampler cross-stitch that I stitched this year. I love Lemon Meringue Pie, and thought it would be perfect in the kitchen.

So that’s my kitchen. In the corner opposite the sink is a double door washer/dryer closet. We also have a small pantry. I didn’t even think to take a photo of the floors, but they are a neutral tile.

Like I said, I would like to incorporate more of a French feel in here through little decorative touches. Our handtowels are red, and I would like to get some white with yellow dish towels. I’d like to incorporate some more little touches above the cabinets too, like maybe the wire basket with lemons, a rooster, that sort of thing. Any suggestions? Am I heading in the right direction?

Thanks for looking at another room in my home, I appreciate your visit and comments!

2 thoughts on “Kitchen”


    If I were you, first thing I’d do is paint the cabinets and wall in rich warm, colors. Your reds and golds would be great!

  2. Michelle, I LOVE your story below about the shoes! I work on a regular article in a national women’s magazine called “Money Well Spent,” and I wondered if you’d be interested in being featured? The shoes would make a great story.Let me know soonest if you’re interested, because I’m working on a tight deadline.Thanks,Kate

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