5/10/09 – 5/16/09
I love these zen-like photos that I took over by my dentist’s office.

I love the leaves against the texture of the wall.

Eric loves cherries, and I thought they were so pretty in a white bowl.

Photos from 5/14 can be seen here…
And on my way to book club. The book we were discussing was Old Masters by Thomas Bernhard. (yuck)

And more blooms on my violet. They make me so happy.

On Saturday, we invited Jennifer over for dinner. So, I was trying to decide on which wine to have… (coincidentally, the one we chose is the one she gifted us previously – the Codici). It was excellent, by the way.

And we always love to set out some “nibblies” as Eric calls them. This time we had marinated olives, stuffed grape leaves, salsa, chips and queso. (Notice how I have strategically placed the queso next to my seat.)

And the table is all set. I rarely get out our good china and silver, but I love to use our crystal. And I had bought a little gift for Jennifer, just because – a pair of earrings she’d admired.

We really love entertaining and I wish we did it more often. Eric is such a fabulous cook and we always have the best time. I only wish I was better at getting photos of the actual dinner!!