
Every month I look forward to choosing what comes in my Essential Rewards order.  Often it’s restocking my go-to oils (like Panaway and Peppermint), but I love trying out new oils.  This month I decided that I’d give M-Grain a try.

I have lived with migraines since I turned eighteen.  And I’ve been prescribed a number of medications, none of which really worked.  In fact, as is often the case with medications these days, the side effects made me feel worse than if I’d just left well enough alone.  Over the years, I’ve managed to mostly get my migraines under control through changes in diet and lifestyle.  But, once a month and when the barometric pressure drops, I’m almost guaranteed a migraine.

Over the months of using oils, I found that both peppermint and Panaway have been helpful due to their anti-inflammatory properties.  And peppermint is always my go to when my stomach gets upset.  When I read that M-Grain was really good with relieving tension when massaged into the back of the neck and temples, I decided it was worth a try too.

M-Grain is a blend of Basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint, Roman Chamomile, and Helichrysum.

I have used it both topically, by massaging onto the back of my neck and along my temples to relieve tension, and aromatically by dropping it into my palms and cupping over my nose and mouth to inhale.  By using these oils in addition with my usual methods of ice packs and a dark room, their cooling and soothing properties help to give me some peace.

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