Mardi Gras Beads

1/31/10 – 2/6/10

Guild night on Tuesday. Kim’s secret stitcher gave her some fun Mardi Gras stuff in her bag.

purple mardi gras mask, coins, and beads

And Kim gave me a scarf she made for me. Isn’t it fantastic??? I’m so in love with it. And she made it skinny like I like too.

knit skinny scarf in rust, blue, green, orange, and pink

I spent Saturday afternoon making sand bags for Eric to use at the studio out of old jeans.

sewing machine with jeans underneath the needle being sewn

And we had so much fun at the Crystal Palace event, we decided to go to the Dallas Burlesque Festival held at the Texas Theater. So much fun. I loved this performance to Lady Gaga’s “Teeth”. Seriously love that song.

burlesque performers on stage

And who doesn’t love a good fan routine?

burlesque performer with two peacock-feather fans

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