Marrakesh Decor

Moroccan mint tea in tea glasses on a platter with a silver tea pot and figs

Well, I’m a day late for my TILT post this week, but wanted to post anyway.  As I mentioned in my last post, there’s been some redecorating and rearranging going on at my house.  Well, I’ve always wanted to have a Moroccan-inspired living room, at least as long as I remember.  I even blogged about it in this post.  And we’ve made  a lot of changes to the living room since then, but nothing like the changes we’ve made in the last couple of weeks.

Turquoise Moroccan pouf on a black and white Moroccan rug

I’m really loving the way the room is coming together, and I can’t wait to show you the changes.  You can also see what the room looked like after its most recent “tweaking”.  You may see in that post that I was really pushing toward the Havana-look.  Ultimately, I’d really love a room that has a global feel – things collected from all over the world and incorporated into our design.  Which is one reason why we’re focusing a bit right now on the Moroccan pieces.  And for inspiration, I decided to order Maryam’s new book.  I absolutely love her blog and could not pass up all the inspiration she offers in this book.

Cover of Marrakesh by Design book

The book arrived last night and I’ve already thumbed through it several times.  Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.  I can’t wait to sit down and read it cover to cover.  I love that there are also beautiful photos of her gorgeous Peacock Pavilions too!

white room with two twin beds covered in Moroccan tapestries in white with silver sparkles

I have the creativity and inspiration flowing right now, which is so exciting.  And I feel like one of the most-used rooms in my home is finally getting the facelift it’s been needing, which is making me happy happy.  Now we just need to pull in some other things from other cultures and I think we’ll be good.  I have some great pieces in storage that I think will help!

It’s been a really hard week to stay positive and be grateful, but always important to refocus on the good stuff.  So, here’s what I’ve been grateful for this week:

  • My book on Marrakesh as well as my books for book club arrived
  • Taking an afternoon off work
  • Sharing nail polish photos with friends
  • Ice Road Truckers – I love that show!
  • A delicious meal of butter chicken, naan, rice and mango juice that Eric made

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