Mary Janes

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted any of my wardrobe picks. In fact, I debated deleting the posts I had done of them. I took these photos some time ago, but I quit taking new ones for a few reasons – 1) I got tired of posting photos of the same exact outfits over and over 2) I wasn’t happy with the way my clothes fit me 2) I’ve gained back some of the weight I’d lost and didn’t want to really “see” that. So, for now I’m going to go ahead and post these photos I’d already taken and then we’ll see where I go from here. Part of what came into play with my decision about whether or not to delete the old posts was my plan to begin another 101 Things in 1001 Days list. One of the items on there is to photograph myself, weigh myself and measure myself at the beginning, middle and end of the 1001 days. The goal of that is to hopefully see a huge change toward being more fit and healthy in the next three years. I was contemplating posting that here, since I intend to keep a record of my 1001 days on this blog. And that gave me pause to think about my Wardrobe Pick posts. I’ll think about how I want to move forward with that, but for now I’ll leave the posts as they are. And so, in that vein, I thought I’d go ahead and post the photos I had already taken, but had been languishing on my computer.

This is what I wore to Eric’s graduation (MBA). I was taking some advice and guidance from a fashionista I idolize. She had suggested pairing this top with the black skirt, my Mary Janes and a white bag with black trim. Well, I didn’t have a white bag with black trim, so I made do with just white. Such an interesting choice. I would never have picked it myself, but I liked it. She also suggested to shorten the length of my skirt. It’s something I’ll think about for future purchases.

I love this blouse, and had never worn it before. So, I’m glad she suggested I wear it. I chose to accessorize with my pearl and diamond white gold necklace and earrings.

I went with the white bag again here. I usually leave this top as is, but this time decided to belt it. Not sure how comfortable I was with it, but it was something different to try. I do love this skirt.

I love these earrings. I think either my mom or my sister bought these for me.

This outfit was a huge stretch for me style-wise. But, it is probably my favorite. This was a suggested outfit as well. I paired the turquoise top with brown pants and burgundy patent heels. The camel bag was added in too. I think I tend to be too matchy matchy. I’ve worn the turquoise with the brown pants before, but went with brown heels and a brown purse. I love the mix in this. My fashionista guru also mentioned my pants are way too short. So, that’s another thing I’ll be looking for in future purchases. But for now, I’ll make do. I just have to make sure to wear pretty shoes.

Another suggested outfit. Lavender top, white eyelet skirt, Ralph Lauren heels, camel bag. I like this outfit as well. It’s casual dressy, if there is such a thing. I think the skirt should have been ironed though.

I accessorized with this necklace and earring set that I just love.

I’m ok with this outfit, but not overly excited. Red top, black pants, black heels, Guess bag.

I accessorized with my three-tone gold necklace.

This one I liked. I came up with this on my own, and again I thought it was a good mix. The pale pink top I love, but I think I’m about to the point of not being able to wear it because the arm holes are getting way too big. I put on a big belt that is a favorite of mine, black pants, black mules. I believe I wore my silver feather earrings with this.

This is my Devil Wears Prada outfit. Dress, Mary Janes, Gold necklace. (Second from the bottom.) Love it.

This outfit isn’t bad either. In fact, I wore these heels with this top and a pair of jeans and loved that look. These are probably one of my favorite pairs of shoes. They have a big button on the ankle strap. They are fabulous!

You can see my fabulous You Don’t Know Jacques OPI polish here. I love love love this smoky color! Need to buy a bottle, methinks! I wore a handmade piece (not by me) with this, just for something kinda funky with the classic skirt and white blouse.

Ok, so that’s it for all the wardrobe picks I hadn’t yet posted. I hope that in the future I can get over feeling intimidated by all those fashionistas who I feel have so much more style and such better looks that I have. It is a constant learning opportunity for me. I stumbled across a new to me blog today too…she has such great style. Go and take a look!

1 thought on “Mary Janes”

  1. I like the outfits you picked out. You should show off your legs more; they’re cute don’t hide them! This coming from a women who hasn’t worn a skirt in a couple of years. LOL My excuse is that I’ve still not lost all the baby fat from my youngest; he’s three. LOL

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