Master Suite

Ok, I promised a look at the upstairs of the house. The second floor houses only our master bedroom and bath. You enter into our bedroom at the top of the stairs. The bedding was a bridal shower gift. Eric had the beautiful print of Venice, which works just perfectly in here I think. The furniture is all my bedroom furniture and is cherry wood. We purchased a second, not matching, bedside table for Eric. I like that it doesn’t match, and it’s a beautiful trefoil-shaped table. The lamp on my bedside table is from Pottery Barn.

To the right of the bed is a chest and a full-length mirror (Cheval mirror?). I dislike having the mirror over here in the corner, because I can’t use it as a full-length mirror, but I didn’t like it anywhere else in the room. I really think it needs to sit in a corner, if possible.

Here’s another look at that wall, and you can see the doorway into the Master Bath.

Since some of these photos were taken, I have hung the wedding quilt that my best friend made for us over the chest of drawers.

Between the door to the bath, and the door back downstairs, I have hung a pewter heart that I gave Eric for Valentine’s Day. I’d like to maybe hang another heart or two here possibly. This wall looks so bare.

On the wall opposite the bed, is a dresser. The dresser does have a mirror, but we’re not using it.

Above the dresser I intend to hang a beautiful cross-stitched piece I am working on. It is of the gardens at Versailles and is done all in silk threads, delica beads and Swarovski crystals. I think it will be exquisite in here. I just need to finish it. The colors in this look a little heavy for this room, but really once the rest of the design is finished, it will have a lighter effect overall.

And in the corner we have a cabinet which holds the TV, stereo, etc. The top shelf also houses three of my Erté sculptures. (The fourth sculpture is on the chest of drawers). I absolutely hate these speakers – they were given to me by the person that blew out my old speakers (the nice, small, black ones). I would really like to replace these monsters!! You can see my bridal portrait is hanging there next to the window on my side of the bed.

On to the Master Bath! There is a skylight in here, which I love, so this room gets a lot of light (not that you can tell from the photos). I wanted to keep the bath light and with very little color. The photos above the tub are from our cruise to the Bahamas, where Eric proposed.

I love mermaids, so this bath gave me the opportunity to put a couple of them in here. The glass vase is from Southern Living at Home, and I’ve filled it with seashells.

The clock is woven seagrass.

I’ve added some accessories in shell.

Here’s the shower and toilet.

More shell accessories.

Another mermaid.

And the view looking back towards the door. In the bathroom, I have one more photo I am waiting on a matt for, to hang and that will be it for this room.

In the bedroom, like I mentioned, I’d like to replace the speakers and hang the Versailles piece. That’s about it. The mirror position and the additional hearts for that wall are not necessities. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the tour of upstairs. Next, I’ll show you the guest bath downstairs and then we’ll travel into my two “problem” rooms.

5 thoughts on “Master Suite”

  1. Angela (Cottage Magpie)

    Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog, your comments were so nice! And I love all the shell accents in your bathroom–I’m doing kind of a beachy look in my living room right now and I’m hoping to include some things like that–so thanks for the great ideas!
    ~Angela 🙂

  2. melissa @ the inspired room

    You are so lucky to have the upstairs house only a master suite! That is my dream, and I hope in the next year to make that happen! Right now my room is in the hub of the house, and you’ve seen what that looks like (that photo of my son on today’s post was taken right outside of our master bedroom, PS. how did you know that was a superhero mask!) LOL!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Love your bedding and cherry / mahogany furniture is my all-time favorite. I could see you adding some very lovely items to your bedroom from Brocade. I have always wanted a beach-theme bathroom. I love all the natural elements that it brings in. You’ve got great ideas! I would never have thought to do the pearl looking accessories with the shells and seagrass elements, but it works – I like it!
    I love glass jars with “stuff” it always makes me want to explore.

  4. Can you believe that I have the exact same shelf that’s in your bedroom for my living room?! Small, small world! Thanks for sharing.

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