Meanwhile…Back at the Fair

Big Tex

I’m still trying to get caught up here on the ole blog, so I thought I’d share some photos from back in October (!).  Every year Eric and I make sure we take a trip to the State Fair.  This year, Eric organized a group from the photo club to go.  It was a lot of fun to wander about as a group, particularly a group of photographers.  I love seeing what other people are drawn to shoot.  And of course, this was my first time with the fancy-pants camera, so I was anxious to try it out.

Jams and jelly entries with ribbons

One of the things Eric likes to do is see The Killdares perform.  Last year was my first time to see them and this year’s performance did not disappoint!

Killdares performing - bagpiper and bass player
Killdares performing - violin player and guitar player

Of course, it also afforded me some great opportunities to people watch.

people-watching - person with black cargo pants with chains and heavy black boots

I love finding different sculptures and artwork while we wander through the fair grounds.  There was a whole forest of these license plate pinwheels that I thought were great.

wind spinner made of license plates

But, of course, my favorite shots are usually from the Midway – all the food, rides, games.

cotton candy
Texas Star ferris wheel
bottles lined up for the ring toss game
carousel horse
midway game of plastic colorful frogs with their mouths open
trays of caramel and candy apples

This photo of the corn dog was one of my favorites of the day.  You wouldn’t believe the strange looks you get when you’re hovering around the condiment stand with a camera though.

a man's hands putting mustard on a corn dog
making cotton candy

And this shot – although mostly blurry (and unfortunately my watermark is covering up the best part) – I had to snap a photo of this guy in the hat with the glasses.  He is awesome.

guy walking in front of one of the rides wearing a red squid hat and mirrored sunglasses

Not quite as awesome as this though…

Police stand with a policeman standing under the sign that says "Police" and there is a pink stuffed pig poking through the sign

When the sun started to go down, I really enjoyed playing with the different settings on my camera.  It was short-lived though because I finally had to succumb to a migraine and plant myself until the group was ready to go.

ride with spinning swings
rows of corn on the cob

These two I’m just in love with.  Look at that sky.  And the red.  Love!

carousel lit up at night with red lights and the sky behind it looks ominous and purple with the clouds
closeup of the carousel lit up with red lights

Hope you enjoyed that virtual leap back in time.  I really had a lot of fun at the fair, and I was so glad to have my new (almost a year old) camera to try out!!

1 thought on “Meanwhile…Back at the Fair”

  1. Michelle, what an eye you have! I can’t say which is my favorite piture – they are just really really good!

    Thank you for sharing these.

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