Memorial Day

rows of headstones at the National Cemetery with American flags in front of each of them

Last year for Memorial Day, we went out to the cemetery and saw my dad’s headstone for the first time since it was placed.  I was amazed at the amount of people there for the ceremony.  I’m glad to have experienced it, but this year we decided that a quiet remembrance of the day was more in line with how I’m feeling these days.  But, I thought it would be nice to share some of the photos I took last year.

I love that they place a flag at each of the graves.  And the ceremony was very nice and so moving.

from behind a line of men in black uniforms with feathered hats and sashes

You can sort of get a feel from the photos how many people were actually there.  We had to park offsite and take a bus into the cemetery.

from behind a line of men in black uniforms with feathered hats and sashes facing a bagpiper

Such a sight to see.

bag piper

I brought some red and white carnations to put on my dad’s grave.  Nothing to compare to the wreath below, but I’m glad I brought them.

two men in black uniforms with feathered hats and white sashes holding a memorial wreath

The weather was hot hot hot last year, and boy did I get sunburned after standing outside for hours.  But it was worth it.

Marine in full dress uniform at attention from behind

I think this year, instead of going at Memorial Day, I’ll go for his birthday, which is coming up in June.  It will be a small and quiet memorial for just us.  But, it will be just as important.

flags at half mast

Thank you to all the men and women who have served our country.  And thanks as well to those who remember and honor them.

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