Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Origins skin care products - Make a Difference toner and moisturizer and A Perfect World eye cream

As I mentioned in my Jan 4th post, one of the things I want to focus on in 2010 is taking better care of my skin. I’ve always had pretty good skin, so I can’t really complain. But, I do find that as I get a little older, I am noticing that I’m growing frustrated with my skin. The biggest issue I struggle with is dry skin. I have dry skin on my face, which often precludes me from being able to wear any sort of foundation because it ends up looking horrible. I also have super dry skin on the rest of me. Of course, this problem gets compounded in the winter. The past couple of winters my hands have been in such bad shape due to all the hand-washing that I end up doing.

So, this year, I decided that I would finally do something about it. The biggest concern for me initially, is my face. I needed to take a look at my skin care regime. For several years, I had a good friend that sold Mary Kay products. I used their line and was very happy with it, until they started making changes to it about three or four years ago. I decided to go back to my tried and true Origins. I’ve been very happy with Origins products in the past, and so it was a natural inclination to go right back to them after being unsatisfied with M.K. But, that’s kind of where it ended. My skin care regimen for a while now hasn’t consisted of much, I’ll be honest. I kind of got into a rut of not really caring and then I was tired at night, and well…you know.

Beginning Jan 4th, I’ve religiously followed my skin care regimen every morning. That includes washing my face, applying toner and then using my eye cream and high-SPF moisturizer. Plus, after emerging from the shower I’ve been using lotion on my entire body as well. Before slipping into shoes, my feet get a good lathering with the high-test lotion. I feel really good about having done this every morning for almost two weeks. While the habit hasn’t had time to fully set in yet, I am seeing a difference.

I plan to add in a night routine once I get the morning routine fully embraced. Baby steps, and all that.

I don’t know much about different skin care options, but I was a bit intrigued by some of the recommendations Slynnro gives here:

  • Bliss Body Butter Lite
  • La Mer The Treatment Fluid Foundation
  • Kiehl’s Ultra Moisturizing Eye Stick
  • Kiehl’s Acai Damage Correcting Moisturizer

So, I may have to give some of those a try. Kiehl’s products have actually been on my radar to try out for awhile now. So, maybe as a reward for taking care of myself, other than the reward of taking care of myself, I’ll splurge on some new product?

I also found this post interesting. Ok, maybe I’m a complete moron, but I had no idea that exfoliating was the key to helping dry skin. I love the idea of this body buffer bar, and may have to try one out sooner rather than later. In the meantime though, I thought I might give my old salt scrub a try and see what happens. I make this myself, but it’s been years since I used it. Why not try it out and see if the whole exfoliating thing works? Then, I can buy a special bar that buffs my body. I promise to report back.

So, I’m feeling very confident that my new skin care resolution is working out. And the title of this post refers to a conversation I had at my last book club. The woman leading our discussion was a tiny little thing, and one of the other clubbers leaned to me and said, “do you know she’s like in her 70s?” Of course, she didn’t look it, not at all – part of that being how vibrant and excited she was about what she was talking about. And we pondered on this for a moment, and then my fellow clubber said “how do you think she does it?” Of course, me, being the smart ass I am, replied “moisturize, moisturize, moisturize”.

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