My Inner Carmindy

Recently, I observed my sister doing her makeup and she had in her possession a shadow palette of fabulousness. Although I love my go-to shades in their little MAC containers, I am always on the lookout for something that will add a little variety to my makeup toolkit. Enter the above new purchase (made prior to the spending freeze of ’09). My sister, who is always someone I consider to be in-the-know with regard to makeup, directed me to Coastal Scents. They had this fabulous palette for a very reasonable price, and I immediately had to have one shipped right to my door. L’Amour!

The palette allows me to stretch outside of my boundaries a bit, and is especially fun for a night out, when I want to have a little more drama in my shadow. So far I’ve stuck to the outer two edges of the palette, but there are so many possibilities here (88 to be exact).

And you know I’ve spoken before about my love of Ms. London and her impact on me a few years ago. So, now I feel like I’ve been able to channel my inner Carmindy (also of What Not to Wear fame). And above all else, shouldn’t make up be fun?

Once the spending freeze is lifted, I will be on the hunt for that ever elusive be-all, end-all mascara. I think I’m going to give one of these a try. I’ll let you know!

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