Wardrobe picks for this week at work, and a bonus!
Metallic top, burgundy pants, new Connie heels.

Worn with Mystic Fire Topaz jewelry.

Lavender top, striped black and white linen pants, Nine West heels.

Worn with silver and white Summit set.

White top, black belt, black pinstripe pants, new Guess ombré heels.

Worn with red beaded necklace.

Green tank, white cardigan, snakeskin belt, grey pants, white ankle boots. This outfit was not quite as successful as I had hoped for, but it wasn’t too bad. I feel pretty good about trying out my white boots (or as Eric calls them, my Whitesnake boots).

Worn with Chanel earrings and standard silver jewelery (watch, Brighton bracelet, James Avery ring).
Red top, black skirt, Madden Girl red and black heels.

Worn with tri-color gold circle necklace and earrings (no photo). I love how this outfit turned out. Simple, but I got a lot of compliments.
And since I ended up going out to lunch with a girlfriend on Saturday, I thought I’d share that outfit with you too…
White top, new jeans (in a smaller size!), Steve Madden heels

Worn with turquoise shell necklace, silver hoop earrings and white purse.

Love these shoes – they’re so fun, they make me think of Nantucket. Especially since Eric calls this red Nantucket red.

And, I decided I would be brave, step outside my box, and start photographing the outfits on me. It’s hard to get a sense of how they look when they’re laying on the floor. I’d love to wait until I was skinny to do this, but you know you only live once and you can’t spend your life waiting for things to happen!