Long day today. Today was the first of three days worth of all day meetings. I decided to wear my new dress. Eric bought it for me while fending off the advances of the salesgirl. The things he does for me! But, anyway, love my new dress. It’s a little out of my comfort zone, but I did feel good in it and got some compliments.
So, no walk today since I was holed up in a conference room all day (taking photos of my lap on the sly). And I’m just finally getting around to writing this post at 11pm so my brain is tired.
Random thoughts…
– I’ve never had fried green tomatoes
– people who haven’t tried Pinterest yet are missing out
– no Pinterest for me today
– I still want a Kindle
– Cougar Town is the weirdest show but it makes me laugh
– Eric just told me they had a bin of sock monkeys at the grocery store today
– B&N can’t manage to get a book to me in time but Amazon can (see also: I need a Kindle)
– tomorrow night we’re having a team building outing that involves baseball and sitting outside. We are not amused.
– love my new dress!
I’ve never had fried green tomatoes either. I feel like we should have! Haha
I love the new dress! I am so boring, I tend to only wear solid colors. It’s like I need Garanimal tags on my clothes to figure out how they go together. I love the colors in the dress.
I’ve never had fried green tomatoes, either. I would LOVE to try them! I just had fried pickles for the first time this past summer and oh my gosh–it’s probably a good thing that I am an ocean away from them!
I can’t wait for the Pinterest app!
I’m looking forward to reading your book reviews. Our archaic library system doesn’t have the de Waal book so will have to order it at some point. I need a kindle, too!