October’s 5k

green sign that says: "Jack D. Johnson Jogging for Johnson - Congrats Team GOsmart!"

In June, I began training for my first 5k (this is walking that we’re talking, not running quite yet). In August, I did my first 5k then in September I did two more. October’s 5k was one that I walked as part of Team GOsmart. I was chosen for this team by my trainer for the first 5k I did (the one associated with Weight Watchers). I was so proud and excited when she asked me to be on her team for this GOsmart race. The GOsmart team was sponsored by Omron, who is a company that makes pedometers. And boy has my pedometer been getting a workout over the past few months! Anyway, this 5k was chosen by Omron for our team to participate in, and we’ve been steadily training for it.

1 mile fun run participants

There was a 1 mile fun run before the start of the 5k. I love seeing the kids race this. It’s amazing how fast the little ones can do a 1 miler!

And this was my first race where I got an actual timing chip to wear…the other races just gave us that disposable timing strip. So, I felt all professional and stuff.

looking down at feet in sneakers with a race tag on one shoe

Waiting for the race to start…

5k participants

And we’re off. The last 5k I did, I didn’t take too many photos because frankly there wasn’t much to take photos of. But, I made sure I had my camera with me along this route. And I’m glad I did…

mailbox in the shape of a wid-mouthed fish

Don’t you wish you had a mailbox like that? Keep in mind, many of the homes were were passing on our route are million dollar homes (all my pics of the houses were blurry unfortunately).

And we saw the Carroll Dragon. Although, he looked like he had an unfortunate crick in his neck. He had music though, so that was fun!

sign saying "Southlake Carroll Dragons" and the mascot wearing a dragon mask

It really was a perfectly beautiful day to have our race.

view across a field of grass with blue sky

This course was really the hardest one I’ve done, I think. Even including the one I did in the rain. Somehow, this whole course seemed like it was uphill. But, I finished and did it in record time (for me). My last race I came in at 56 minutes. This one, I finished in 51.50. I am so proud of me for that. I’d really like to come in under 50 minutes for the next one. I think it may require adding in some running with my walking, which I am nervous about, but I’d really like to keep improving on my time, so that’s what it may take.

The race was coupled with a festival and bake sale afterwards. We went on home after finishing, but I managed a photo of one of the bake sale cakes.

cake decorated with the Carroll dragon mascot inside the shape of Texas

I’ve signed up for another 5k, which you can see in my sidebar. Here’s hoping I can come in under 50 minutes!

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