I talked a little bit in my last post about goal setting and what I had planned for in 2017. My word for 2017 was Transformation. Which, although it didn’t manifest itself in quite the way I was expecting, it really was a transformational year. I let go of a lot of things, I learned a lot of things, and I came out the other side.
For 2018, I had a hard time coming up with my “one little word” to describe all that I had in mind for the year and all that I wanted to achieve. But, finally in mid-January I found it – Limitless.

I truly feel like I could not have chosen a better word for where I am right now. It has all the potential and opportunity that is before me within it.
So, my next step was to take a look back through the prep work I did in 2017 in my Power Sheets and reassess my goals.

And when I looked at last year’s goals, what I found was that they were pretty much the same goals I want to achieve in 2018. So, I thought I’d share them here.
My 2018 Goals
- Be an open channel (stop jamming the signal) through clean, healthy, uncluttered living.
- Pour love into my marriage.
- Grow my business authentically and in alignment with my purpose – lead by example.
So, there they are. And on the face of them, they seem pretty simple but they encompass so much. And in a way I’m really glad that they withstood the test of time and they are still arrows fully pointed in the direction I want to go.

So, then the next question is – how do I do that? How do I turn these goals into reality. Simple – an action plan. So for each of these goals, I came up with actionable steps I could take that breaks them down into smaller bites.
And funny enough, just writing this post and again looking at my 2018 goals has got me geared up to get moving.

In my next post, I’ll take a look at how I break those big goals down into smaller goals – quarterly, monthly, and weekly. I’ll also talk a little bit about why I needed a different method for tracking my goals.