Our Lady of Sorrows

prehnite stones and the word "April"

For my April #monthlymarker I was drawn to Prehnite.  I bought a piece of Prehnite back in October at the State Fair of all places.  I loved its cool green, almost translucent quality.  Prehnite is an uplifter and is associated with the heart chakra.  It can be used to enhance intuition.

April was also a difficult month for me.  I had multiple instances where I felt I’d hit rock bottom and did not know how to climb back out.  I was also informed I would be reporting to someone different at work that I have previously had very difficult interactions with.  In essence, April felt like my world was being completely turned upside down, but I took comfort where I could.

collage of photos including Notre Dame burning, crystals, black cat, roses

A look back at April…

★ We started binge-watching Game of Thrones again in anticipation of the final season.

★ Eric and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary.

★ A visit to the crystal shop and I brought home a Rubellite palm stone and Shattuckite

★ I started working on a new project to start filling in missing entries in my Day One journal and once I get that done I want to start importing entries from some of my older journals too so that I have everything in one place.  It’s really cool to look back at the “On this day” feature to see all my previous entries for that day.

★ Tenebrae with Eric.  It is one of the few church services that really speaks to me.

★ Watching Notre Dame Cathedral engulfed in flames broke my heart.  That evening I pulled out a special piece to stitch on – Le Marquoir de Justine, that Sylvia and I started together in Paris.  There are times when I come to my stitching for comfort and there are times when I come to my stitching out of joy and excitement.  I pulled out this piece in need of comfort and as a way to feel closer to Paris, but instead my stitching became a vehicle for me working through my feelings.  The fire at Notre Dame hit me really hard and it took me awhile to work out exactly why.  It was more than just a building, more than what it housed.  It was the potential loss of our history, the potential loss of something that has stood for 800 years and gone in a matter of minutes.  It reminded me of why I have a degree in Art History, of why the preservation and conservation of art and culture is so important to me.  So, now we rebuild.  I make new choices based on the re-igniting of my passion.  Because when the fire burns away, what we are left with is the purity of purpose.

★ Near the end of the month Eric got really sick and then I caught his cold.

★ Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (re-read)

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