Pineapple Is Not Lemon

book opened to Chapter 11 and text above that reads "November"

November started off really rough, and honestly didn’t get much better. I have a huge amount of things I’m trying to get done by the end of the year and so I’m super stressed out and anxious. Add a migraine on top of that and I was struggling. And we are still working on the deep cleaning of the house on the weekends, which sucks. But it needs to get done. And I had several deadlines looming that I had things I needed to get done – gifts for friends, my new release for Cozyegg Designs, website refresh for my guild, sending out invitations for our party which we decided to do virtually this year, and ordering supplies for some goodies we are going to send out. Lots on my plate and most with definitive deadlines, so it was a super stressful and busy month.

pineapple upside down cake with pineapple rings and cherries in them on top

So, funny story. Back in August of 2020 Eric bought lemon cake mix and icing so he could make my birthday cake. And the night he was going to make it. I was standing in the kitchen and looking at the cake mix box and on the side of it it said something like “Be sweet, wear a crown.” And I thought that was a funny thing to put on the side of a lemon cake mix. Then I looked closer at the front of the box and realized it wasn’t lemon, it was pineapple. I did get a lemon cake for my birthday, but fast forward to now and we still had that pineapple cake mix sitting in the pantry. So, we decided to use that and some pineapple slices we had, and make sort of a pineapple upside down cake. This is the only photo I took of it. It was…not great. But, now it’s out of the pantry.

tarot cards laid out in a Celtic Cross spread with crystals and a bottle of Essential Oil

I felt the pull to do a full tarot spread for the new moon/new season/new year, which I haven’t felt drawn to do in a while. I always appreciate how the cards reaffirm for me that what I’m feeling is in line with what’s actually going on and also provide me with guidance to move through. I feel like I have a whole lot of shadow work going on right now in this dark time of the year and I feel like I’m doing my own travel through the underworld of my psyche. Lots that is pointing me towards letting go of any unhealthy attachments or limiting beliefs that are holding me back.

black cat sleeping on a pillow

I took the week of Thanksgiving off from work, which was a much-needed break. Ramses had to go into the vet to have his teeth cleaned for the first time, which I was quite anxious about since they had to sedate him. But, he did well and they didn’t have to do any extractions, thankfully.

amber glass turkey

For Thanksgiving day, Eric made us our traditional apple pancakes for breakfast with Fuji and Gala apples. We watched the Macy’s parade on tv and then went back to watching The Sopranos. For Thanksgiving dinner we had turkey, gravy, stuffing, green bean casserole, cranberries, and Hawaiian rolls. And we had hard apple cider to drink. After dinner we went back to Sopranos and finished the series. Really enjoyed rewatching this again. We had started our rewatch of it in preparation for watching The Many Saints of Newark, but by the time we’d finished the series, the movie was no longer available to watch. So, we ended up starting Wheel of Time. I’ve never read these books, but the series is really good. It’s got me adding them to my TBR.

meme with text that says "November is stressful like it's suddenly freezing and you have 35 different deadlines due within 3 weeks and everyone is panicking and it's dark all the time."

And over this week that I was off work, I spent a good amount of time cleaning in my craft room, but also getting pretty frustrated with not being able to find things. And I think I have a plan for my goals next year – clearing. I think 2022 is going to be the year of the cleanout. Stuff needs to get done. Or it needs to go. Same with the weight loss that has been on my mind lately. I have all these clothes I can’t wear. No room for new clothes. And it’s ridiculous. I need to let go of the weight. Let go of these clothes I’m holding onto. Clothes I don’t love and wouldn’t wear even if I could. So, yes, that is the plan. Clearing out. Clearing a path. Clearing the clutter and the energy. But first, I have to make it through December.

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